Coffee Road Trip


Hey there! I'm new to this whole blogging thing, so bear with me as I write what is probably disjointed and confused prose. I thought it would be neat to try coffee from all around the country and make a little "travelog" if you will. We'll see how it goes.

Anyhow, the first state I picked is Nevada. Why? Because it's next to California, where I'm located, and I wasn't feeling particularly creative. BUT, I am happy to report there is excellent coffee coming out of the Silver State.

I went with Dark Moon Coffee Roasters out of Henderson, NV.

Dark Moon Colombia

The first coffee I tried was their Colombia. Usually when I see tasting notes like "Guava, Raspberry" on a coffee, I disregard them as exaggerated, or beyond my palate to discern. But, this coffee really had an amazing taste of raspberry chocolate! It did a great job of balancing the acidity of a light roast with the chocolatey-ness and roastiness of a medium-dark roast. Awesome!

I also tried their Sumatra and Brazil beans:

Dark Moon Sumatra Dark Moon Brazil

Both were very solid, medium roasts. I would definitely buy some bags from Dark Moon again!